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Sacred Tantric Touch

Discover the Healing of Tantric Touch…

Tantric Massage is an Ancient form of Sacred Touch that Harmoniously Unites Sexuality, Spirituality, Body & Mind…

In today’s world tantric massage is “sold” to lovers for the benefit of bringing new aspects to their sexual relationship ~ a deeper connection, a richer, more fulfilling sex life, an intimate knowing of the other.

But there are authentic Tantric Therapists such as myself that offer this sacred art for healing and tantric initiation.

Held within us all, is a limitless power that we have suppressed and laid to lie mostly dormant in our genital area, using only for the primitive act of sex.

Yet this energy unleashes and unfolds so much more to who we are and what we can achieve…

Our sexual energy can :

  • Heal our body and mind.

  • Promote the release of sexual trauma or difficulties, whether it be from abuse or giving birth… impotence, premature ejaculation, fear of sexual commitment, relationships & intimacy.

  • Grounds us within our body, igniting self love and respect.

  • Awakens us to our true self and highest potential.

  • Allows enlightenment to be realised for it happens within this human skin not as an escapism to another dimension.

  • Supports us in feeling safe in our own skin while surrendering to life’s natural flow.

  • Encourages sex to be a whole body and loving experience without goals or agendas of the mind.

  • Enrich our relationship with our true self.

  • Deeply connect us with another.

  • Allow our senses to awaken, living a sensual life.

  • Give us a immense pleasure and satisfaction.

  • Release a creative force that weaves in and out of our daily lives.

  • Unleash our potential as a spiritual being.

  • Expand our consciousness.

  • Bring a sense of presence to our life.

  • Reveal a way of seeing life without the illusions of the mind…

  • Allow bliss to permeate into each moment of life.

  • Unite our feminine & masculine energies, our sexuality & spirituality, promoting wholeness within.

  • As an Authentic Tantric Bodyworker I worship the whole of your body, mind and soul… using gentle caress, my feminine intuition, pure loving intention & the lightest of finger tip touches ~ consciously building up sexual arousal, allowing it to flow through to the parts of the body that hunger for it the most.
  • A tantric massage usually finishes, depending on the needs and progress of  each individual with a lingam massage which fires the kundalini to move up through the body, thus creating moments of awakening ~ a blissful whole body orgasm.

Namaste: Eye gazing, making a third eye connection, welcoming Shiva and Shakti in you and in your partner.

Bonding: A deep connection in a laid down position, when you can disappear into oneness. Powerful technique also to release repressed emotions. Combined with intense Tantric Breathing.

Tantric Hug: An intimate, soft hug, combined with Tantric Breathing. Simultaneous and alternating breathing.

Tantric Play: It is fun; it is about experiencing stages of becoming aggressive, sensual, and erotic.

Worship: A beautiful ritual, honoring the divine in you and in your partner. You can express love, intimacy, sensuality with the warmth of your hand, without having to touch the other one.

Tantric Sit: After having reached a state of higher energy level, the female (Shakti) sits on her male partners (Shiva) lap. They breathe and vibrate together in this ecstatic flow.

LINGAM GAZING A Tantric Meditation with Breathing Techniques. You can get lost and experience endless peace while gazing at the genital area of your partner.

A bit about me...Orsalia.

Hello dear…I’m glad you are here…

Im well known as Orsalia Kashmir,I’m a private elite companion for 4 years now…and trust me i know exactly what you looking for…and you do right!

My long journey in this industry in the very early shows me there is a hiatus in order to providers and clients meets the edges.Experience and my willingness to discover what may make such great meetings and people become more fullfilled guides me to Tantra.Exploring Tantra and Tantric Touch i see a more intelligent way to communicate erotically and beyond…after this honouring myself to be the first Elite Companion who add it as a main and complete session.After all…”Sex is not something you do…is something you Go.”

In my presence you will find a welcome stranger,a feminime energetically partner and a totally Woman.

In the Tantra Session I’m fully aware of my role and I,with a deeper instict ready to explore new worlds for us.

I will guide you carefully and with full devotion in our energetic,erotic meeting…come…you are already in,right?!

**Friendly notice:People who suddenly find Tantra on their way is common to have experience something weird or heartbreak or they are in a transormation in the currect period of their lives,It’s OK,its common.Please if you are looking for something more fun or more “spicy”,or a (bimbo) Tantra is NOT for you,i have plenty of recommendations to suggest you (even including Me!) but Tantra is really for mature and thinking people,with a deep understanting and respect of the spirituality of human nature,so be aware.This is also the reason i felt the need to create another virtual playground in order for better understanding.

Tantra Etiquette

How to Book?!

All potential clients are required to contact me through email at 

  • info@orsalia.com

or directly via text at

  • +30 6988897261

Where you will include preferred DATE, TIME,LOCATION and title of SESSION.

SOS*:Anything without these informations will not be taken as seriously request and will not be answered.My daily life handled very careful and i dont look after time wasters,so make a favor to both of us and have a serious intention,so lets make our meeting worth it to infinity!!!

Now,you are ready…I’m more than glad to welcome you in my private Tantric Sanctuary, in the city center of Athens.

**For Incall Tantric Meeting i require a small deposit to confirm our date.Please send me an email or go to Tantric Sessions,check availability and book through calendly.

After i receive your email,i require  2-6 hours to respond and confirm.

Await to meet you from close…Namaste.

Orsalia Xx

“Men need saving from

Patriarchy too.”

Tantric Sessions
tantric lovers

MYSTAGOGIA | 90' MINS (250€)

"Lovers have known sometimes what saints have not known" ~Rajneesh


This wonderful massage session is recommended for first time bookings.

It is an opportunity for me to get to know you better. You can tell me about your attitude towards your own sexuality. And also about any secret desires you may have.

This massage is about relaxation, pleasure and receiving. It is a full body massage mapping every corner of your body. During the massage you receive various kinds of touch, with your senses awakened using soft feathers and silky linens. You may be surprised how your body responds to the combination of gentle and energetic touch.

Lingam massage is included in the second part of the session. After the body and senses are awakened, the lingam starts to be more sensitive and ready to shift the fire energy into the whole body. Tantra believes that each piece of the lingam is connected to different parts of the body and we can stimulate the whole body via the lingam. It means while you receive an intimate massage the full body is nourished at the same time.

If you wish we can focus on erection prolongation and work with your energy. We use breathing techniques to help with your energy flow. If you wish, a prostate massage can be included too. The prostate can provide you with a higher level of sensitivity. And it can arouse the female quality of your sexuality.In my Tantra massages, you can choose if you want to orgasm, there is no pressure. If you do wish to, you will be guided on an incredible path to a full body orgasm and sexual enlightenment.

During the session there is no rush, you can relax and really enjoy your massage.

tantric lovers

LE PETIT MORT | 2 HR (300€)

"This part of what it means to be a GOD, that you are a general principal of Being, instantiated throughout all of Being" ~Sam Webster


LE PETIT MORT…is a Tantra healing massage is meant for people who want to become more conscious about their issues or blockages. These blockages may have anatomical, physiological or emotional reasons. They may be expressed in different ways in men and women.

These are some of the issues that can be approached by means of Tantric healing massage: premature ejaculation, lack of erection, lack of desire, anorgasmia or vaginismus.Other blocks, though less visible, may be present. For example, a lack of interest in sex may arise from emotional wounds such as rape, incest, sexual abuse or injuries of physical or emotional boundaries. It can also result from ignorance of sexuality or from prejudices coming from education, religion or social situation. Or there may have been an oppressive family situation.

The reasons for blockage of sexual energy and the ways it expresses itself are numerous. Once all the anatomical or physiological reasons are excluded, we try to give support as follows.

How does it work?

Together we create a safe and respectful space in which these blocks can be expressed in complete confidence. Together we explore the emotional and mental burdens. As we recognize them we can drop them.

By touching the body gently and respectfully, we bring about first of all the ‘arriving’ and anchoring in the body. Afterwards the points of pain or tension may be discovered. This leads to awareness and acceptance of these points. And then, by specific massage techniques, we assist their transformation.

While Tantra healing is not a substitute for medical help or psychotherapy, it may offer valuable support and help to transform an often unspoken suffering.Finally, it is important to understand that “Tantra healing” is too restrictive an expression because the root chakra, where the sexual energy awakens, is part of the sum of all the energy centres.

The ultimate goal is to get them all connected with each other and to experience them all in harmony.Releasing painful emotions opens the potential to receive more pleasure, in more places, for longer periods of time.

We will talk about these in the beginning of the session. Are there parts of your body you do not want touched? Are there any steps you would prefer to avoid during the session? Remember, you are free to choose whether you wish to orgasm, or not. Rest assured you will be carefully guided every step of the way.

Respect yourself. You are not a victim with a sexual dysfunction. You are a beautiful being who wants to be fully released from anything that holds you back from the full potential of your love.


There is more wisdom in your body than in your deepest philosophy - Friedrich Nietzsche.
